Content Chapel 340R churchorgan
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- 126 Years of experience
- 2000M2 Showroom
- Effective Customer Service
- Customers rate Joh.deHeer 9.5/10
- Description
- Specifications
- Graduated calculations
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Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Prinzipal 16' | Gedackt 8' | Quintadena 16' | Prinzipal 8' |
Subbas 16' | Quintadena 8' | Prinzipal 8' | Holzflot 8' |
Quintbass 12' | Prinzipal 4' | Rohrflote 8' | Viola da Gamba 8' |
Oktave 8' | Rohrflote 4' | Oktave 4' | Voce Umana 8' |
Gedackt 8' | Quintflote 3' | Blockflote 4' | Oktave 4' |
Oktave 4' | Octave 2' | Quinte 3' | Spitzflot 4' |
Posaune 16' | Sesquialtera II fach | Super Oktave 2' | Nasat 3' |
Trompete 8' | Dulzian 8' | Tertian II fach | Waldflote 2' |
Cornet 4' | Tremulant | Mixtur VI fach | Scharff IV fach |
Koppel Ped-Pos | Koppel Pos-Sw. | Trompete 16' | Fagott 16' |
Koppel Ped-Hw | Trompete 8' | Trompete 8' | |
Koppel Ped-Sw. | Tremulant | Oboe 8' | |
Koppel Hw-Pos | Tremulant | ||
Koppel Hw-Sw |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Prestant 16' | Holpijp 8' | Bourdon 16' | Baarpijp 8' |
Subbas 16' | Fluit Traverse 8' | Prestant 8' | Quintadeen 8' |
Roerquint 12' | Prestant 4' | Roerfluit 8' | Gamba 8' |
Octaaf 8' | Roerfluit 4' | Octaaf 4' | Celeste 8' |
Gedekt 8' | Quintfluit 3' | Speelfluit 4' | Salicet 4' |
Octaaf 4' | Woudfluit 2' | Quint 3' | Fluit 4' |
Bazuin 16' | Sesquialter III | Octaaf 2' | Nasard 3' |
Trompet 8' | Dulciaan 8' | Cornet V | Gemshoorn 2' |
Schalmeij 4' | Tremulant | Mixtuur IV-V | Mixtuur III-IV |
Koppel Ped-Pos. | Koppel Pos-Zw. | Trompet 16' | Fagot 16' |
Koppel Ped-Hw | Trompet 8' | Schalmeij 8' | |
Koppel Ped-Zw. | Tremulant | Vox Humana 8' | |
Koppel Hw-Pos | Tremulant | ||
Koppel Hw-Zw |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Contrebasse 16' | Salicional 8' | Bourdon 16' | Diapason 8' |
Soubasse 16' | Unda Maris 8' | Montre 8' | Cor de Nuit |
Quint Basse 10 2/3' | Prestant 4' | Flute Harmonique 8' | Viole de Gambe 8' |
Basse 8' | Flute Douce 4' | Prestant 4' | Voix Celest 8' |
Flute 8' | Nasard 2 2/3' | Flute 4' | Principal 4' |
Flute 4' | Piccolo 2' | Quinte 2 2/3' | Flute Octaviante 4' |
Bombarde 16' | Carillon 1-3 rgs. | Doublette 2' | Nasard 2 2/3' |
Trompette 8' | Cromorne 8' | Cornet 5 rgs. | Octavin 2' |
Clairon 4' | Tremblant | Plein Jeu 7 rgs. | Plein Jeu 4 rgs. |
Tirasse Positif | Accouplment Rec-Pos | Bombarde 16' | Basson 16' |
Tirasse Grand Orgue | Trompette 8' | Trompette 8' | |
Tirasse Recit Expressif | Tremblant | Basson-Hautbois 8' | |
Accouplement Pos.-G.O. | Tremolo | ||
Accouplement Rec.-G.O. |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Open Wood 16' | Stopped Diapason 8' | Bourdon 16' | Open Diapason 8' |
Bourdon 16' | Dulciana 8' | Open Diapason 8' | Stopped Diapason 8' |
Stopped Quint 10 2/3' | Principal 4' | Stopped Diapason 8' | Salicional 8' |
Principal 8' | Chimney Flute 4' | Principal 4' | Vox Angelica 8' |
Flute 8' | Nasard 2 2/3' | Saube Flute 4' | Principal 4' |
Fifteenth 4' | Fifteenth 2' | Twelfth 2' | Flute 4' |
Trombone 16' | Cornet III rks. | Fiftenth 2' | Nasard 2 2/3' |
Trumpet 8' | Cremona 8' | Sesquialtra II rks. | Fiftnth 2' |
Clairon 4' | Tremulant Douce | Mixture V rks. | Mixture III rks. |
Choir to Pedal | Swell to Choir | Double Trumpet 16' | Fagotto 16' |
Great to Pedal | Trumpet 8' | Cornopean 8' | |
Swell to Pedal | Tremulant | Hautboy 8' | |
Choir to Great | Tremulant | ||
Swell to Great |
Technical specifications
Seeing and trying our product in real life?
We would like to see you in our showroom, where we provide you with all about this product.
- Description
- Specifications
- Graduated calculations
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- Demonstration request
Technical specifications
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Prinzipal 16' | Gedackt 8' | Quintadena 16' | Prinzipal 8' |
Subbas 16' | Quintadena 8' | Prinzipal 8' | Holzflot 8' |
Quintbass 12' | Prinzipal 4' | Rohrflote 8' | Viola da Gamba 8' |
Oktave 8' | Rohrflote 4' | Oktave 4' | Voce Umana 8' |
Gedackt 8' | Quintflote 3' | Blockflote 4' | Oktave 4' |
Oktave 4' | Octave 2' | Quinte 3' | Spitzflot 4' |
Posaune 16' | Sesquialtera II fach | Super Oktave 2' | Nasat 3' |
Trompete 8' | Dulzian 8' | Tertian II fach | Waldflote 2' |
Cornet 4' | Tremulant | Mixtur VI fach | Scharff IV fach |
Koppel Ped-Pos | Koppel Pos-Sw. | Trompete 16' | Fagott 16' |
Koppel Ped-Hw | Trompete 8' | Trompete 8' | |
Koppel Ped-Sw. | Tremulant | Oboe 8' | |
Koppel Hw-Pos | Tremulant | ||
Koppel Hw-Sw |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Prestant 16' | Holpijp 8' | Bourdon 16' | Baarpijp 8' |
Subbas 16' | Fluit Traverse 8' | Prestant 8' | Quintadeen 8' |
Roerquint 12' | Prestant 4' | Roerfluit 8' | Gamba 8' |
Octaaf 8' | Roerfluit 4' | Octaaf 4' | Celeste 8' |
Gedekt 8' | Quintfluit 3' | Speelfluit 4' | Salicet 4' |
Octaaf 4' | Woudfluit 2' | Quint 3' | Fluit 4' |
Bazuin 16' | Sesquialter III | Octaaf 2' | Nasard 3' |
Trompet 8' | Dulciaan 8' | Cornet V | Gemshoorn 2' |
Schalmeij 4' | Tremulant | Mixtuur IV-V | Mixtuur III-IV |
Koppel Ped-Pos. | Koppel Pos-Zw. | Trompet 16' | Fagot 16' |
Koppel Ped-Hw | Trompet 8' | Schalmeij 8' | |
Koppel Ped-Zw. | Tremulant | Vox Humana 8' | |
Koppel Hw-Pos | Tremulant | ||
Koppel Hw-Zw |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Contrebasse 16' | Salicional 8' | Bourdon 16' | Diapason 8' |
Soubasse 16' | Unda Maris 8' | Montre 8' | Cor de Nuit |
Quint Basse 10 2/3' | Prestant 4' | Flute Harmonique 8' | Viole de Gambe 8' |
Basse 8' | Flute Douce 4' | Prestant 4' | Voix Celest 8' |
Flute 8' | Nasard 2 2/3' | Flute 4' | Principal 4' |
Flute 4' | Piccolo 2' | Quinte 2 2/3' | Flute Octaviante 4' |
Bombarde 16' | Carillon 1-3 rgs. | Doublette 2' | Nasard 2 2/3' |
Trompette 8' | Cromorne 8' | Cornet 5 rgs. | Octavin 2' |
Clairon 4' | Tremblant | Plein Jeu 7 rgs. | Plein Jeu 4 rgs. |
Tirasse Positif | Accouplment Rec-Pos | Bombarde 16' | Basson 16' |
Tirasse Grand Orgue | Trompette 8' | Trompette 8' | |
Tirasse Recit Expressif | Tremblant | Basson-Hautbois 8' | |
Accouplement Pos.-G.O. | Tremolo | ||
Accouplement Rec.-G.O. |
Dispositie | |||
Pedaal | Rugwerk | Hoofdwerk | Bovenwerk |
Open Wood 16' | Stopped Diapason 8' | Bourdon 16' | Open Diapason 8' |
Bourdon 16' | Dulciana 8' | Open Diapason 8' | Stopped Diapason 8' |
Stopped Quint 10 2/3' | Principal 4' | Stopped Diapason 8' | Salicional 8' |
Principal 8' | Chimney Flute 4' | Principal 4' | Vox Angelica 8' |
Flute 8' | Nasard 2 2/3' | Saube Flute 4' | Principal 4' |
Fifteenth 4' | Fifteenth 2' | Twelfth 2' | Flute 4' |
Trombone 16' | Cornet III rks. | Fiftenth 2' | Nasard 2 2/3' |
Trumpet 8' | Cremona 8' | Sesquialtra II rks. | Fiftnth 2' |
Clairon 4' | Tremulant Douce | Mixture V rks. | Mixture III rks. |
Choir to Pedal | Swell to Choir | Double Trumpet 16' | Fagotto 16' |
Great to Pedal | Trumpet 8' | Cornopean 8' | |
Swell to Pedal | Tremulant | Hautboy 8' | |
Choir to Great | Tremulant | ||
Swell to Great |
Seeing and trying our product in real life?
We would like to see you in our showroom, where we provide you with all about this product.